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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons L. (Lucy) Avraamidou, Prof

Research interests

 STEM teaching/learning; science identity; out-of-school science; diversity; inclusion; equity



Completing the progression establishing an international baseline of primary, middle and secondary students’ views of scientific inquiry

Queer individuals’ experiences in STEM learning and working environments

Designing a module for supporting secondary biology students’ morality through socioscientific issues in the human-nature context

Designing technology-enhanced science experiments in elementary teacher preparation: The role of learning communities

Design of a location-based augmented reality game for the development of key 21st century competences in primary education

GENDER MATTERS: Building on the Past, Recognizing the Present, and Looking Toward the Future

High school biology students’ use of values in their moral argumentation and decision-making

Inquiry and Argumentation Practices Enacted by Early Students in an Inquiry Cycle About Gravity and Air Friction

Science is for everyone: Possible futures, possible selves

The use of Artificial intelligence in school science: a systematic literature review

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It takes a village

Summer vacation is a luxury for the few in academia

Housing crisis, language crisis, staff burnout: blame internationals

Big Tech will NOT save us

Learning to embrace rejection and to fail even better

Lowering the bar: an oversimplied plan for a complex issue

Sleepwalking in times of climate injustice

How do I tell you about rest without telling about academic workaholism?

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